manual steps
Step 1: Registration
Please register using the Google Form on this page. This form includes the details to settle the LOVE FEE and Learning Agreement Form. Please write your correct full legal name to be used for your certificate of completion. It is very important that you fill in your correct email address, free from typographical errors to ensure that you will receive our email and faster process.
Please ensure that you have selected the preferred schedule. Other schedules will be made available in the future so, kindly visit again the course pages or follow us on our official social media channels for updates.
Step 2: Payment
Please check our automated email response to you. Do check in your spam box, add in your whitelisted contact. Allow us to reply within 48 -72 hours, we will email you other relevant information to complete your registration or a confirmation of your schedule. It is a requirement to enroll in the beginner class before enrolling in other classes.
Important:Only successful transfer/processed will be confirmed.
Step 3: Confirmation
Send the screenshot of your payment transaction/deposit slip/Transfer successful receipt to:
Class details and other relevant information will be sent to you 24 hours before your schedule.
Do read our Frequently Asked Questions by clicking the button below.
GMMG Admin